American Trucks And Equipment Of Florida, LLC

8 years ago Justin was at home having just purchased a C63 AMG Coupe wanting to change the colour of his grill to black. Eventually through forums he discovered the idea of peelable paint. Finding this concept amazing Justin continued to research.

From there he went to setting up a bodyshop purely focused on 'Peelable Paint' where he discovered all types of products coming to the market, both good and bad. 

Knowing this was going to be the 'next big thing' in the automotive aftermarket world, Justin continued learning all he could about the peelable paint industry and was head hunted to the USA to run various projects for a Global Detaining Manufacturer. 

Having met Adam in the USA and ready to take on the world, ClarityCoat was born thanks to all the years behind the scenes working with the right experts in the paint manufacturing world to create the most advance peelable paint available on the market.

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